Sordi Srl, with legal address located in Via Bobbio n,87- 27058 Voghera (PV), Italy, registration number 153650 of the business bureau of the city of Pavia, is the owner of the website.

The goods selected among those available from the online catalog on are subject to the following purchase terms:



Pursuant to the decree-law n.70 from April 9, 2003, the purchase is finalized through the following steps:

By sending the order, the customer sends a proposal of purchase of the selected products to The dispatch of the purchase order involves the acceptance by the customer to receive the messages from described below, which have the only purpose to finalize and execute the sales contract. will confirm the receipt of the order by email, generating an “order number” which will be referenced to in any further communication. will verify the actual availability of the requested goods in stock, and that the order can be accepted.

The sales contract of the products on the website is finalized when the customer’s purchase order is received and accepted by Sordi Srl.

Sordi Srl will promptly send the customer the confirmation of the order purchased.


The customer, by receiving an electronic confirmation of the order, declares to have read and accepted the terms and conditions of the contract, and commits to them.


-       Point C art,12 Decree n.70 (…)

-       Point E art. N.70: Sordi Spa also provides the possibility to finalize the sale in English

-       Point F: dispute settlement as referred to by art.19:


  1. In case of dispute, the purveyor and the recipient of the company of services may also appeal to extra-judicial entities, that may work electronically as well. If these entities act in accordance with the principles of the European Union Commission and the national laws, they may, upon their request, be notified to the E U Commission to be included in the extra-judicial settlement of disputes.


2. The extra-judicial dispute officers communicate all decisions to the European Commission, as well as to the Ministry of Industry, which informs the relevant public administrations responsible for this area, the significant decisions to be adopted for services of the information industry, and other information about legal practices, customs and uses of the e-commerce.

The Italian law generally provides for four categories of alternative dispute resolution procedures: - Consensual Transaction Agreements, as per the Art. 1956 of the Italian Civil Code;

- Mediation, which occurs when the parties involved in the dispute address an independent third party for the purpose of resolving the case, by reaching a satisfactory agreement for both;

- Conciliation, (judicial or extra-judicial), referred to in the arts. 183, 320, 322  of the Civil Procedure Code;

- Arbitration, referred to in art. 806 of the Civil Procedure Code.


Customers’ payments will be processed using the method they selected during purchase: Either PayPal or wire transfer.

Customers have to declare they are at least 18 years or older.



All products sold by Sordi Srl are covered by the international manufacturer warranty for 24 months, for any production defects, pursuant to DL 24/02.

In order to benefit from the warranty service, customers must keep the invoice they received along with the product ordered.

Upon acceptance of the purchasing contract, customers declare that they accept the warranty dispositions that are valid at the time of recourse to the Warranty.

The warranty is valid when the product is submitted along with the purchase receipt.



In force what is stated in Legislative Decree 206/2005

The deadline for withdrawal is within 14 days from the date of purchase.

Address for return of goods: Sordi Srl - Via Bobbio, 87 - 27058 Voghera (PV)

all refunds are processed within 14 days from the receipt of the goods.



The payment methods accepted are: PayPal, credit cards.

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